School Facilities

Smith Middle School

9201 Seawell School Road Chapel Hill NC, 27516
OFFICE: (919) 918-2145, FAX: (919) 918-2079


Google Map



Matt Sleeman

Eli Peich

All "home events" played at Smith Middle School unless noted below

Baseball - Park your car in HS Gym lot

Basketball (Boys and Girls) - Main Gym

Cross Country (Boys and Girls) - Recess field

Field Hockey (Girls) - Upper field

Football - HS stadium

Lacrosse (Boys and Girls) - Upper Field

Soccer (Boys and Girls) - Upper Field

SoftballPark your car in HS Gym lot

Tennis (Boys and Girls) - Park your car in HS Gym lot

Track and Field (Boys and Girls) HS stadium

Ultimate Frisbee (Coed) - Recess field, Upper Field

Volleyball (Girls) - Main Gym

Wrestling - Main Gym