School Facilities





SCHOOL ADDRESS: 3333 Zurmehly Road, Lima, OH 45806
ATHLETIC OFFICE: 419-998-8024, FAX: 419-998-8127

All "home events" played at Shawnee Lima High School unless noted below

Baseball -

Var Diamond is located behind the High School


The JV & Jr. High Diamonds are located at the

Bernie Reinhardt Complex just west of the High School

Basketball (Boys and Girls) -

9th/JV/Var Boys & Girls Games are played in the High School Gymnasium


Jr. High Boys & Girls BKB Games are played @:

Elmwood Elementary 

4295 Shawnee Rd.

Lima, OH 45806

Cross Country (Boys and Girls) - 

Home meets are ran @:

Faurot Park


Football -

All levels play in the Football Stadium located behind the High School

Golf (Boys and Girls) - 

Boys home matches are played @:

Shawnee Country Club

1700 Shawnee Road

Lima, OH 45806


Girls home matches are played @ (unless otherwise noted on the schedule):

The Oaks Golf Club

2425 S. Kemp Road

Lima, OH 

Soccer (Boys and Girls) -

The Soccer Stadium is located behind:

Shawnee Middle School

3255 Zurmehly Road

Lima, OH 45806

Softball -

The JV & Var Diamonds are located at the 

Bernie Reinhardt Complex located just west of the High School


The Jr. High Diamond is located behind

Shawnee Middle School

3255 Zurmehly Road

Lima, OH 45806

Swimming (Boys and Girls) -

Home Swim Meets @:

The Lima YMCA

Diving (Boys and Girls) -

Home Dive Meets @:

The Lima YMCA

Tennis (Boys and Girls) -

The Tennis Courts are located behind the High School

Track and Field (Boys and Girls) -

The Track is located behind the High School @ the Football Stadium

Volleyball (Girls) -

9th/JV/Var matches are played at the High School


Jr. High Volleyball matches are played @:

Elmwood Elementary

4295 Shawnee Road

Lima, OH 45806

Wrestling -

Wrestling Meets are in the High School Gymnasium