Our Staff
Position |
Name |
Superintendent |
Kim Pittser kpittser@mtpanthers.org |
Principal |
Bryan Sheets bsheets@mtpanthers.org |
Athletic Director |
Aaron Hammond ahammond@mtpanthers.org |
Assistant Athletic Director |
Mike Bernard mbernard@mtpanthers.org
Athletic Administrative Assistant |
Dawn Dawson ddawson@mtpanthers.org |
Middle School Athletic Director |
Aaron Hammond ahammond@mtpanthers.org |
Coaching Staff |
Sport |
Head Coach |
Baseball |
Rob Smith rsmith@mtpanthers.org |
Basketball - Boys |
Ben Ackley backley@mtpanthers.org |
Basketball - Girls |
Kayla Dettwiller kdettwiller@mtpanthers.org |
Bowling - Boys |
Ron Amore Sr.
Bowling - Girls |
Ron Amore Sr.
Cheerleading |
Ashley Patton apatton@mtpanthers.org |
Cross Country - Boys |
Jeff Smallwood jsmallwood@mtpanthers.org |
Cross Country - Girls |
Jeff Smallwood jsmallwood@mtpanthers.org
Football |
Jerry Williams jewilliams@mtpanthers.org |
Golf - Boys |
Rob Smith rsmith@mtpanthers.org |
Golf - Girls |
Todd Wallace birdiesnsermons@gmail.com
Gymnastics - Girls |
Susan Holloway weeble1lives@yahoo.com |
Soccer - Boys |
Josh Thoroman joshthoroman@gmail.com
Soccer - Girls |
Chad Tolbert ctolbert@mtpanthers.org
Softball |
To be Assigned |
Swimming and Diving - Boys |
Keith Foster |
Swimming and Diving - Girls |
Keith Foster |
Tennis - Boys |
Greg Leach
Tennis - Girls |
Alicia Musser
Track and Field - Boys |
Brent Noes bnoes@mtpanthers.org |
Track and Field - Girls |
Brent Noes bnoes@mtpanthers.org |
Volleyball - Girls |
Doug Mace doug@mmfast.com |
Wrestling |
Ben Fondale bfondale@mtpanthers.org |