School Facilities

Directions to La Moille

High School




SCHOOL ADDRESS: 801 South Main La Moille IL 61330
ATHLETIC OFFICE: (815) 638-2144, FAX: (815) 638-2392

All "home events" played at La Moille High School unless noted below

Baseball - La Moille Lions Club  308 Howard Street, La Moille, IL 61330

Basketball (Boys and Girls) - La Moille High School

Cheerleading - La Moille High School

Cross Country (Boys and Girls) - Amboy High School

Football - Amboy High School

Golf (Boys and Girls) - Amboy High School

Softball - Allen Jr. High: 301 Main Street  La Moille IL, 61330

Track and Field (Boys and Girls) - Amboy High School

Volleyball (Girls) - La Moille High School

Wrestling - Amboy High School