Who We Are

Athletics Activities
Argo Community High School students have the opportunity to compete in 26 different sports, and on multiple levels for each sport. The various programs are divided into three seasons: fall, winter, and spring. ACHS student athletes compete throughout the school year in the South Suburban Conference (SSC), which is made up of 14 schools from the southwestern suburbs of Chicago. With 30 clubs to choose from, ACHS provides an array of activities tailored to the talents, interests, and needs of its students. Since involvement, fun, and excitement are the keys to spirit at Argo, students are encouraged to be involved in at least one activity. Any student interested in joining a club or activity should see the sponsor or stop in the Activities Office, room 152, for more information.
Athletic Director: Ryan Skendzel (x5520) Activity Director: Nicole Wasko (x5524)
Secretary: Paris Townsell (x5521) Secretary: TBD